Magdalene Ho
Born to Malaysian parents, Magdalene Ho’s precocious talent for music won her a scholarship to the Purcell School , a specialised music school for talented children in the UK, in 2013 at the age of nine. She has won numerous prizes and competitions and in 2017 was awarded the Classical Prize and a recording for KNS at the Pianale summer course in Fulda Germany. Reviews of her performance of Mendelssohn’s G minor concerto with orchestra described her mastery of the keyboard as “spellbinding.” Her interests include composing, chamber music, literature and history.
Magdalene Ho’s mastery of the instrument is spellbinding. The complexity, speed and graceful power on display was jaw-dropping. I can’t recall hearing a more impressive piano led piece, it really was quite amazing. Moreover, the concerto was by no means a one-person effort: the entire orchestra seemed to rise to meet the occasion with such sheer joy and energy that I couldn’t keep the smile from my face. In turns powerful, delicate, intricate and bold, it was like being hit in the ears by a sack of diamonds. But in a good way.
Matty Czaczkes, The Daily info, UK